You will be directed to Paypal to pay, but you can use any credit card or PayPal for a fast, safe, and secure transaction. If you don’t have a PayPal account, and you don’t want to open one, you can still use your credit card. When you land on the Paypal site, click the “Don’t have a PayPal account?” link instead of signing in and then use your debit or credit card as a PayPal guest.
Choose the items you need to pay and click the Add to Cart button. You should only be choosing a quantity of one, but to change the quantity of an item after adding it to the cart, change it in the cart and then click the green refresh icon next to the item. To remove an item completely click the red X icon next to the item. Once you are done click the Checkout button to pay for your order.
Contact the member running the course or evaluation for questions.

WCF is a Web Convenience Fee (to offset the Paypal fee and accepting credit cards) that applies to each transaction as noted below and will automatically be added to your cart. You will not be charged the WCF if you pay by check and give it to our Treasurer.
CPR for Healthcare Providers $25.00 + $0.87 WCF
WFA Course $40.00 + $1.21 WCF
WFA Book $30.00 + $0.98 WCF